Speaking Engagements

Our Approach

The purpose of our presentation is to be a conversation starter for mental health awareness and suicide prevention. Our program is key for middle schoolers, high schoolers, and college students. Staff and parents will also benefit from this program and will help with starting conversations. Staff and parents would also benefit from this program, as it provides psychoeducation about child development and highlights risk factors, as well as symptoms to look for. Additionally, the presentation discusses how to support others in appropriate ways who are dealing with mental health difficulties. The presentation concludes with ways to practice self-care, as well as a list of local and regional resources. We hope by having these conversations we can change the stigma associated with mental illness.

The first presenter, Donna Thomas speaks about her own personal account of her son, James, who died by suicide in 2018. Her story includes personal letters from James, how he presented himself to the world, and the changes that occur in James the months leading up to his death.

Our second presenter is Dr. Jaimee Arnoff, Ph.D. Dr. Arnoff is a licensed Clinical Psychologist who has focused her time working with children, adolescents and young adults presenting with anxiety ,depression, self-harm, and suicidal ideation for over ten years. She speaks about the emotions associated with depression, ways to promote connectedness, as well as useful tools and resources pertaining to mental health.

These presentations are typically 90 minutes, but can be tailored to your audience. If you are interested in scheduling a speaking engagement, please fill out the form below or if you have a question, you can reach us at info@jamesswarriors.org.

What you can expect from our presentations

Our engagements encourage communication about mental health and suicide prevention with local youth alongside their peers, parents, and educators through live presentations. These presentations, which can be tailored based on the audience's age, include personal accounts of mental illness, biological and behavioral perspectives of mental health and suicide, as well as coping strategies for both children and adults to use when managing difficulties on their own and while discussing these topics together. We believe it is so important that our kids know that it is okay to talk about their feelings and we are here not only to encourage them to do so, but to provide them with the tools they need to start the conversation.

Where We’ve Been 

 Let us speak to you

James’s Warr;ors is about more than just suicide awareness, we want to change the stigma surrounding mental health. Our team of professionals has worked hard to bring a presentation to anyone and everyone who wants to hear it, whether that be a large assembly, or a small group setting. Send us a message if you’re interested in scheduling a speaking engagement. We can’t wait to speak to you.

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